These remarkable nebulae are close together both within a field of view of 2 degrees and in distance from Earth (4300 light years for the Lagoon Nebula bottom right and 5200 light years for the Trifid Nebula, top left. Both are bright enough to be directly observed through the eyepiece but long exposure astrophotography and the accompanying post processing techniques make them stand out especially with the varied colour of the smaller Trifid Nebula.
Astronomy and Astrophotography by Michael Booth. I live in the south of Tasmania and in the breaks between the cloudy days and nights I like to get outside and enjoy observing and photographing the night sky.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
The Trifid and Lagoon Nebulae in the Constellation Sagittarius 12th May 2021
The image is made up of 14 x 2 minute exposures taken with a modified (for astrophotography) Canon 450D Camera and Skywatcher ED80(mm) Refractor Telescope. Image processing with Deep Sky Stacker, Nebulosty, Photoshop CC and Astropanel.
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