Early Evening with The Emu Rising Left and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds Right. 30 Seconds Canon760D and Tokina 11-16mm Lens, Canon DPP and Photoshop.
1169 30 Second Frames Canon760D and Tokina 11-16mm Lens, Canon DPP and Virtual Dub
Crux and CoalSack. 5x 60 seconds (5 Minutes) Canon1100D and 50mm Lens, tracking Vixen Polaire. Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Crux and Pointers. 5x 60 seconds (5 Minutes) Canon1100D and 50mm Lens, tracking Vixen Polaire. Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Sagittarius. 5x 60 seconds (5 Minutes) Canon1100D and 50mm Lens, tracking Vixen Polaire. Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Sagittarius. 5x 60 seconds (5 Minutes) Canon1100D and 50mm Lens, tracking Vixen Polaire. Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Sagittarius. 5x 60 seconds (5 Minutes) Canon1100D and 50mm Lens, tracking Vixen Polaire. Nebulosity and Photoshop.

5x 60 seconds (5 Minutes) Canon1100D and 50mm Lens, tracking Vixen Polaire. Nebulosity and Photoshop. Trailing from Epsilon Scorpii (Wei), the yellow star top left, to top centre Mu1 Scorpii, top right Zeta 1 Scorpii and the star Cluster Ngc6231 and Nebula IC4628. Trailing further down the right side the yellow Eta Scorpii and then the bright white Sargas(Origins of this name now lost in time). The bottom four from right to left, Iota Scorpii, Girtab and the finally the 'Stinger' Shaula and Lasath. Girtab and Shaula form a triangle with the Globular Cluster Ngc6441. Finally two bright open star Clusters, one bottom centre Messier 7 or the Ptolemy Cluster and bottom left Messier 6 or the Butterfly Cluster. Canon 1100D with 50mm Lens. Image is a stacked combination of 5 x 1 Minute exposures tracking on a Vixen Polaire.