Sunday, June 28, 2020

IC4628 Prawn Nebula, Open Star Clusters NGC 6242, 6268 and TR 14 taken evening 26th to morning 27th June 2020

IC4628 Bright Nebula in Sagittarius 6000 Light Years Distant (Centre),  
NGC 6242 Open Star Cluster (Bottom Right),  
NGC 6268 Open Star Cluster (Top Right), 
TR(Trumpler) 24  and the wider CR(Collinder) 316 Open Star Cluster(s) encompass  the foreground area of the Prawn Nebula and adjacent star field to left bottom of the image.
All around 3500 to 3700 Light Years Distant. 

30 x 120sec Images (60 Minutes Integration Time)

Modified Canon 30D and Vixen ED80 Refractor
50mm (FL 140mm) Guidescope and Meade DSI C II Guide Camera
Skywatcher EQ6 German Eqautorial Mount
Captured InAPT(AstroPhotographyTool)
Auto-Guiding PHD2
Telescope Control EQMOD with Planetarium CDC (Cart Du Ciel)
Image Preporcessing, Stacking, Stretching and Noise Reduction in Nebulosity
Further enhancment Photoshop CC with Astro Panel

Below is image processed in Startools after preprocessing and stacking in Nebulosity

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Ngc's 3579 3603 3590 3572 Nebulosity and star field in Carina

28 x 120 Sec Exposures (56 Minutes Integration Time)
Modified Canon 30D and Skywatcher ED80
Skywatcher German Equatorial Mount
Autoguiding 50mm Finder Scope and Meade DSI 2 C
CDC(Carte Du Ciel), Eqmod, PHD2(Push Here Dummy) and APT (Astrophotography Tool)
Image Processing Software
Nebulosity(Stark Labs) and PhotoShop CC (Adobe)

Image before tweeks in Photoshop

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Red Nebulosity and Star Field in Ara (NGC's 6188 6193 6200 6204 )

Modified Canon 350D and Vixen ED80
5 x 5 Minute Exposures/Frames
SkyWatcher EQ6 German Equatorial Mount
Capture in APT, Guiding PHD2, Planetarium CDC
Frames Stacked and Processed in Nebulosity and Photoshop

Some tweeks in AstroPanel

Stars removed in AstroPanel

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