Astronomy and Astrophotography by Michael Booth. I live in the south of Tasmania and in the breaks between the cloudy days and nights I like to get outside and enjoy observing and photographing the night sky.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Faint Globular Cluster M79 in Lepus (The Rabbit) 42000 Light Years Distant
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Crazy Chickens IC2944
First part of a failed 2 panel mosaic with a Dual Band Filter, Ha and Oiii. 5 x 300second Exposures stacked and enhanced in post processi...
Dome image by Peter Sayers (See Astro Pete on Facebook for more)
First part of a failed 2 panel mosaic with a Dual Band Filter, Ha and Oiii. 5 x 300second Exposures stacked and enhanced in post processi...