Here's the same image processed in my old image processing pathway Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Astronomy and Astrophotography by Michael Booth. I live in the south of Tasmania and in the breaks between the cloudy days and nights I like to get outside and enjoy observing and photographing the night sky.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Eta Carina and a new image processing pathway!
This image was stacked from 6 x 2 minute individual frames in Deep Sky Stacker and prleminary stretching and noise reduction was carried out in Startools (Previously I have used Nebulosity for both these functions). Then, as per my old ways, some tweaking in Photoshop.
Here's the same image processed in my old image processing pathway Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Here's the same image processed in my old image processing pathway Nebulosity and Photoshop.
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