5 x 300second Exposures stacked and enhanced in post processing.

6 Panel Mosaic, 30 x 5 minute exposures in total, taken at Font Hill 2nd April with a ZWO1183MC and ED80 Refractor 2023
Integration 5 and a half hours in Astro Pixel Processor and further processing in Nebulosity and Photoshop.
The 'Head' of the Chicken. iTelescope Data July 2022

My Home Setup, Canon 450D SWED80 10 X 10min Frames Nebulosity and Photoshop
Running Chiecken Via T13 at Coonabarabran. Takahashi Sky90 90mm Refractor and Sbig Universal Colour Camera. 15th April 2018. 5 x 5 minute frames stacked and processed in Nebulosity and Photoshop.
Running Chicken. T12 at Coonabarabran. Takahashi FSQ ED 106mm Refractor and FLI Monochrome Camera plus filters for colour.
Running Chicken. T8 at Coonabarabran. Takahashi FSQ ED 106mm Refractor and FLI Monochrome Camera plus filters for Hubble Colour Pallette(HA Hydrogen Alpha, OIII Oxygen 3 and SIII Sulphur 3)
Below Preprocessing, integration and combination in AstroPixelProcessor with star reduction/removal in Photoshop.