Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Day at The Dish

Welcome to the Dish!

The Dish with the original receiving cabin in the foreground to the right.

The Dish from the Garden.

Driving in to the Dish from the road at 300mm maximum zoom.

 The Dish and the Moon (mid to top left).

 Driving out from the Dish from the road at 300mm maximum zoom.

Back to the The Dish at Night with some star trails even though cloudy!

Two Nights at Ororal Valley Tracking Station

 Scott light painting his name.  Note to Self...paint letters back to front to see right way round with camera!  Taken at Ororal Valley Campsite.

 Scott whirling red headlight torch on the end of a scarf taken at Ororal Valley Campsite.

 The Emu in the Southern Sky with red light painted onto branches in the foreground  taken at Ororal Valley Campsite.

 Antares and surrounding nebulosity taken at Ororal Valley Campsite.

 Michael(Myself), Scott and Emiel at the 9 Metre Antenna Pad.

 Scott and the Magellanic Clouds at the Operations Building.

 15 Minute Star Trails at the Operations Building.

 Star Trails and Light Painting at the Minitrack Control Building.

Minitrack Antenna Pad with Constellation Orion.

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Crazy Chickens IC2944

First part of a failed 2 panel mosaic with a Dual Band Filter, Ha and Oiii. 5 x 300second Exposures stacked and enhanced in post processi...