The star just off the lunar limb is Mu Sagittarius at 3.8 mag .
Astronomy and Astrophotography by Michael Booth. I live in the south of Tasmania and in the breaks between the cloudy days and nights I like to get outside and enjoy observing and photographing the night sky.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
October 20th AstroPhoMo (Astro Photo Month)
I missed the opportunity to capture anything on the 19th due to an astronomy teaching commitment. However last night's icy clouds and waxing crescent provided a lunar halo.
To the left of the halo you should just make out the constellation Scorpius, with the tail and the stinger (Shaula and Lesuth) fairly prominent. To the right the bright star is Altair in the constellation Aquila.
The star just off the lunar limb is Mu Sagittarius at 3.8 mag .
The star just off the lunar limb is Mu Sagittarius at 3.8 mag .
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