Unfortunately my auto-guiding and PC aided image capture has gone to the dogs so despite bringing out the big gun tonight, i.e the Canon 350D I has to restrict myself to short exposures.
following is the Large Magellanic Cloud and Tarantula Nebula. This made from a stack of 5x5 second exposures and of course unguided.
If it weren't for my month long commitment I might have thrown in the towel with the auto-guiding not working but its interesting how a deadline changes your attitude to at least have a go and get something imaged and posted..
And by sheer dumb luck I managed to snap three 30 second shots of the lagoon. What a difference more exposure can make.
Adjusted the hue here to a more yellowy colour.
All pre and post processing done in Nebulosity.
Astronomy and Astrophotography by Michael Booth. I live in the south of Tasmania and in the breaks between the cloudy days and nights I like to get outside and enjoy observing and photographing the night sky.
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