Wide field shot of the Sword of Orion inc. Orion Nebula M42. Telescope SWED80, Camera is a Canon 350D, 10*60 second exposures at 400 iso, stacked, alligned and combined and post processed in Nebulosity. Auto guiding with Meade DSI Colour CCD and PHD.
M42 cropped from previous image.
M42 but this image a stacked of 5*120 second exposures at 1600 iso. Visible now in the right of the image M43, the Running Man Nebula.
Waxing Crescent, 4th Day Moon, Stacked in Registax from 20 1/80th second exposures 200 iso .
M1 the Crab Nebula (middle bottom) and Zeta Tauri (top left). Two 10 minute exposures, processed in Nebulosity.
Crab Nebula cropped from above image.