Some time ago I had a bit of a muck about with my DSI colour with it coupled by a Steve Mogg adapter to a Pentax SLR Zoom Lens and took this wide field shot of the Sword of Orion.
I did dark subtraction, allignment and stacking and post processing in Nebulosity including , stretching,sharpening and noise reduction among other things.
I captured the raw data in Envisage consisting of 8, 1minute exposures.
Not too bad for a first effort. I didn't quite have the heart to setup the autoguiding and do drift allignment tonight so no closeup shot yet anyway.
This post is really just a test post for future shots, hopefully when it starts to get warmer and less cloudy around Launceston Tasmania here where I live. I'm not winging or making excuses but when the weather is like it is you somehow just can't seem to lug all that gear outside. I'll just have to start making plans for an Observatory.